Your Simple 2024 Kratom Dosage Guide

Kratom Dosage Guide
November 22, 2023 | Elyxr's Blog

Kratom is a special botanical herb that’s capable of providing an array of effects and potential benefits. Still, in order to get the most out of it, recognizing how much to consume can certainly have an impact on both your mind & body. You see, when you find your ‘sweet-spot’ kratom dosage, that’s where your kratom sessions become even more awesome. However, you’re now wondering, “what is the right dose of kratom to take and how I go about getting the right dosage to begin with”.

Well, today we’re going to help answer those questions and more pertaining to kratom dosing, different types of kratom, and why proper dosing is crucial in general.

How Much Kratom Should Be Taken?

There really is no one-size-fits-all approach when dosing with kratom. Everyone’s body and preferences are simply too unique. With that in mind, it all comes down to being patient and possibly going through some trial and error in order to find your ideal dose. Also, we do need to mention here that you should speak with your doctor/physician prior to trying kratom, as they can offer better guidance regarding if taking kratom is right for you and how much to take. Still, we will try to help you out to the fullest extent.

What is the Best Dose of Kratom?

Once again, there is no “best” dose of kratom, since it responds differently within the body. However, it is simple to calculate kratom doses and discover what might be perfect for you. Generally, it’s recommended to always begin with a small dose and see how your body reacts. Then, you can consume a bit more each time (slowly and in small increments still) until you find an amount that meets your needs. Now, you’re probably wondering how someone goes about dosing kratom in the first place.

Dosing In-Depth

To go a bit deeper here, dosage can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • Strain and Vein Color: Different strains and colors may have different strengths and effects.
  • Desired Effect: Smaller doses are often reported to produce more stimulating effects, while larger doses tend to be more sedating.
  • Individual Factors: Your genetics, body weight, metabolism, tolerance, and overall health can influence how you react to kratom.
  • Stomach Contents: Kratom can act more quickly and potently on an empty stomach. Eating beforehand might delay and lessen the effects.
  • Form of Consumption: Whether it’s consumed as a powder, capsule, extract, tea, or another form can affect dosage and onset of effects.

Generally speaking, the doses are often divided into:

  • Threshold Dose: 1-2 grams
  • Light Dose: 2-4 grams
  • Moderate Dose: 4-6 grams
  • Strong Dose: 6-8 grams (Experienced users only as risk of side effects increases)
  • Very Strong Dose: 8+ grams (Not recommended for most users as increased risk of severe side effects could occur)

Note: The above doses are generally for kratom powder. Extracts and other concentrated forms will have a different dosing range, so always follow the product’s guidelines.

Again, for all you kratom newbies out there, it is typically advised to start with a low dose to gauge how your body reacts. As you can see from above, the effects of kratom can range from stimulant-like at lower doses to sedative-like at higher doses.

Risks and Precautions:

  • Dependency and Addiction: Regular use can lead to dependence, and some people have reported difficulties in quitting or reducing their kratom use.
  • Side Effects: Potential side effects include nausea, itching, sweating, dry mouth, constipation, increased urination, appetite loss, and drowsiness.
  • Overdose: While kratom overdose is rarer than overdoses of many other substances, there have been reports of serious adverse events.
  • Drug Interactions: Kratom can interact with other medications and substances, increasing the risk of adverse effects.

How Long Does Kratom Last in Your System For?

The duration of time that kratom is in your system for can also have an impact on your dosing, regardless of the fact if you have to dose it out yourself or if it’s pre-dosed. Essentially, kratom’s effects can be considered from two perspectives: the length of time its effects can be felt after consumption and how long it remains detectable in the body.

Duration of Effects:

  • Onset: The effects of kratom typically begin within 10-15 minutes after ingestion.
  • Duration: Depending on the strain, dosage, and individual metabolism, the primary effects of kratom usually last between 2 to 5 hours. Higher doses and certain strains (like red-veined varieties) tend to have longer-lasting effects.

Duration in the System:

  • The primary alkaloid in kratom, Mitragynine, has a half-life of approximately 24 hours. This means that 50% of the ingested Mitragynine will be eliminated from the body within 24 hours. Considering this half-life and the general rule that it takes about 5-6 half-lives for a substance to be nearly entirely eliminated from the system, Mitragynine could be detectable in the body for approximately 5-6 days after consumption.
  • Factors like age, body fat, metabolic rate, frequency of use, and the dose taken can influence how long kratom remains in the system.

Detection in Drug Tests:

  • Standard drug tests, including the SAMHSA-5, do not test for kratom. However, specific tests can detect Mitragynine and its metabolites. It’s worth noting that these specific tests are not common but can be used if there’s a reason to suspect kratom use.

What Should You Do if You’re Not Feeling the Effects of Kratom?

As you can see, kratom’s effects can vary based on dosage, strain, individual biochemistry, and other factors. Still, if you’re not feeling the effects of kratom, here are some suggestions and considerations:

  • Check the Quality: Not all kratom is of the same quality. Ensure you’ve purchased your kratom from a reputable source. Low-quality or stale kratom might not be as effective.
  • Adjust the Dosage: Depending on the strain and the desired effects, the effective dose can vary. However, it’s important to be cautious. Start with a low dose and gradually increase until you achieve the desired effect. Consuming too much kratom can lead to unpleasant side effects.
  • Empty Stomach: Many users report that kratom works best on an empty stomach. If you’ve recently eaten, you might want to wait and try kratom when your stomach is empty.
  • Switch Strains: If one strain isn’t working for you, consider trying another.
  • Consumption Method: Different methods of ingestion can alter kratom’s effects. If you’re not feeling the effects, you could explore alternative methods.
  • Potentiate with Natural Substances: Some people believe certain foods and supplements can enhance or extend the effects of kratom. For example, grapefruit juice, turmeric, and black pepper are sometimes mentioned. Always proceed with caution and research any potential interactions.
  • Consider Tolerance: Regular use of kratom can lead to tolerance, meaning you need to take more to feel the same effects. If you use kratom frequently, consider taking breaks to reduce the risk of developing a tolerance.
  • Hydration: Ensure you’re drinking enough water. Kratom can be dehydrating, and proper hydration can potentially enhance its effects.
  • Consult with Others: Sometimes, experienced users or online communities can offer insights based on their own experiences with kratom.
  • Refrain and Reflect: If you’re not feeling any effects, it might be a good idea to refrain from taking more and reflect on whether kratom is right for you. It doesn’t work the same way for everyone.

Final Kratom Dosing Thoughts and Recap

Although these are just general guidelines, and once again, individual experiences can vary greatly, below are some recommendations/reminders if you’re considering trying kratom:

  • Start Small: Especially if you’re new to kratom, start with a smaller dose to see how it affects you.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how you feel after taking kratom, and also adjust your dose accordingly.
  • Space out Usage: Like many substances, it’s possible to develop a tolerance to kratom, which means you’d need more of it to achieve the same effects over time. Spacing out your usage can help prevent or reduce tolerance.
  • Research Strains: Different strains may produce different effects. For example, White Vein strains might be more stimulating, while Red Vein strains might be more sedating. Make sure to do some research on the specific strain and its effects before taking it.
  • Consider Both Legality and Safety: In some regions or countries, kratom is illegal or regulated. Ensure you’re familiar with local laws before obtaining or using kratom.

Please Note: Even natural substances can have side effects or interactions with other substances, including medications, so it is essential to be both informed and cautious.